Stuff to do

School is coming to an end but I´m still hoping that I´ll receive 9 A's. It will definitely help my final score.

Right now I´ll have to:

1. Social Science - the working market in Sweden (test on Monday, rehearse by doing the questions over and over again)
2. Swedish C - a speech about someone whom you want to honour (speak loudly with a nice tempo, rehearse)
3. Mathematics C - do old national tests (2005 and 2002) at home and then take help on tuesday from a tutor at IKU from 19 -21. Especially Logarithms (natural and normal), exponential equations and

Seriously I must get an MVG or I threat the teachers. Just kidding.

I am disgusted of society

I am disgusted of how the society is now especially regarding questions about plastic surgery. Men are especially biased against plastic surgery and will in every possible way (if he is your friend) try to talk you out of having a nosejob done because you don´t need it. Note: The same day a guyfriend talks about how goodlooking girls are at his school. If you as a girl (like me) who have a huge ego, you will most likely be offended eventhough you´re not attracted to the guy.

Seriously, if I need one tweak to look my best why shouldn´t I get it done. I shouldn´t do it because of right morals? Fuck morality. We live in a society where beauty is whorshipped and I can´t stand looking less beautiful then the supermodel looking girls at my school. I have noted that men especially are hypocrits, because while they´re busy staring at them, they are also try to talk you out of getting a nosejob and at the same time they think the plastic operated Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox and all the Victoria Secrets Models are hot.

I just don´t understand how guys can have the audacity to talk me out of a nosejob, cause let´s face it I do deserve to look just as good as those girls, if not better. I had a stupid fucking childhood, my dad was a narcissist he beat and threatened my mum. Mum and dad had a lousy "marriage life" until they got divorced. We all know that if my dad had done the right things in the past I certainly wouldn´t have to live in the suburb, while suffer to go to my upperclass school looking like crap next to those girls and my family would earn more property than the normal Swedish upperclass person.

Sometimes I´m amazed of how I´m able to cope with the crap people say everyday.

I will never give up and I must succeed.

The Hunger Games

Såg denna igår på premiären kl 23.50 i Sergel, denna film är sjukt bra. Rekommenderar starkt att ni ska se den!

Puss! <3


Sometimes I wish someone could perform a lobotomy on my head, it's distracting to feel and have emotions when you need to focus on your studies.

Ge mig: Systemkamera CANON EOS 550D
Systemkameran tar jättefina bilder. Har lånat den från skolan. Följande bilder är tagna av MIG med  CANON EOS 550D:

Snygg look från H&M

Ny Look
Blusen kostar 299 kr och kjolen kostar 249 kr.
Jag avlider av hur snygg kombon är. Visst är den too die for?

Products in this look:

Kjol, BlusH;amp;

Must have: MISCHA BAG

Helt seriöst. Världens snyggaste portföljväska. Kill me now. Give it to me now.
Kostar 700 kr på

Klänning från Gilly Hicks

Klänningen Wellington Street från Gilly Hicks. Har den i storlek S nu, trodde den skulle vara för stor för mig men den satt perfekt. Gick på 499 kr totalt.


  • P100 - Loggböcker, projektplan och rapport - Check [x]
  • Matte - utvalda sidor t.o.m. kap 2 slut - [ ]
  • Religion - Läs sektens psykologi o boken + revidera rapporten och kom på frågor till jehovas vittnen. [ ]
  • Historia - Ring stockholms stadsarkiv kl 10.00 imorgon fråga om arkivhandlingar gällande mamma [  ]

Vampire Diaries - Funny interview

HM: Skinnjacka och blus

Fick hem en skinnjacka och blus från HM idag. Helt sjukt snygga. Gick på totalt 587 kr ned postförskott. (Jag handlar inte på frakt, det är jobbigt tycker jag).
Såhär ser skinnjackan (399 kr) och blusen (99 kr) ut:
Obs! Jag tänker förmodligen inte ha blusen med gröna byxor, det ser snyggt ut men är alldeles för färgglatt för mig. Funderade på att ha blusen med en marinblå kjol eller ha den med ett par snygga shorts med skärp.

Simply perfection.

Jessica Alba
Simply perfect. Pretty without trying. Laidback look, jeans, dark shirt and leather jacket. Check.


Min profilbild


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